294,26 € (sis. KM)
7 laos (Laki 26)
Mitmeotstarbelised SKF-i pööratavad tõmmitsad sobivad laagrite ja muude komponentide sise- ja väliseks tõmbamiseks. Standardne kaheksa tõmmitsa valik mahutab laias valikus laagrite ja komponentide suurusi. Neli suurimat TMMR..F tõmmitsat on standardvarustuses saadaval ka pikendustega (TMMR ….XL). Need aitavad lahti võtta võlli otsast kaugel asuvaid laagreid ja komponente ning neid saab pikendusdetailide lisamisega veelgi pikendada.
SKF Reversible Jaw Puller TMMR 200F
The multi-purpose SKF Reversible Jaw Puller TMMR 250F is designed for internal and external pulling jobs of bearings and other components such as gears and pulleys. The two arms of the puller can be mounted with the claws facing inside or facing outside, making it a versatile and essential tool for mechanical workshops.
Easy adjustment of the width of grip with self-locking arms
Essential and versatile tools for every workshop for internal and external pulling appliactions
Enhanced corrosion resistance and easy cleaning with zinc passivated arms and beam
No permanent deformation of puller arms when used up to maximum withdrawl force
Optional accessories further increase the versatility of the puller
Pdf: TMMRF_series_pdf