2,87 € (sis. KM)
2 laos (Laki 26)
O-rõngad säilitavad tihendi kontaktjõu tänu nende radiaalsele või aksiaalsele deformatsioonile tihendi korpuses kahe komponendi vahel. Memi Varustaja OÜ tarnib laias suuruses ja erinevatest materjalidest O-rõngaid, mis muudavad need sobivaks mitmesuguste töötingimuste ja rakenduste jaoks. Neid on lihtne paigaldada ja need võimaldavad lihtsa ja kulutõhusa tihendikorpuse disaini.
Silicone rubber – VMQ Silicone materials have excellent aging resistance, oxygen, ozone, ultraviolet radiation and weathering and a very wide application temperature range with excellent cold fl exibility. Silicone is physiologically harmless and therefore very good in food and medical product applications. Silicone has good electrical insulation properties and is highly permeable to gas. Due to the weak mechanical properties, silicone O-rings are preferably used in static.
Silicone has good resistance to: animal and vegetable oils and fats water (max.100°C) aliphatic engine and gear oils ozone, weathering, ageing, UV resistance
Silicone is not resistant to: silicone oils and greases aromatic mineral oils fuels steam over 120°C acids and alkalis Application temperature range: -60°C to +200°C +230°C can be obtained by special grades