6,53  (sis. KM)

30 laos (Laki 26)

LGMT 2/0,035
SKF laagrimääre LGMT 2 35g
SKF LGMT 2 on mineraalõlipõhine liitiumseebiga paksendatud määre, millel on töötemperatuuri vahemikus suurepärane termiline stabiilsus. See esmaklassiline üldotstarbeline määre sobib paljudele tööstus- ja autorakendustele.

Tootekood: LGMT 2/0.035 Kategooria:



LGMT 2/0.035
SKF bearing grease LGMT 2 in 35 g tube
SKF LGMT 2 is mineral oil based, lithium soap thickened grease with excellent thermal stability within its operating temperature range. This premium quality, general purpose grease is suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. Typical applications:• Agricultural equipment• Automotive wheel bearing• Conveyors• Small electric motors• Industrial fans
Excellent oxidation stability
Good mechanical stability
Excellent water resistance and rust inhibiting properties

NLGI class 2
Pack size 35g
Temperature Range -30/120 deg C. -22/250 deg F
Thickener / base oil Lithium soap / mineral oil
Type General Purpose Grease for small/ medium bearing

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