17,87 € (sis. KM)
22 laos (Laki 26)
LGMT 2/0.4
SKF laagrimääre LGMT 2 420ML
SKF LGMT 2 on mineraalõlipõhine liitiumseebiga paksendatud määre, millel on töötemperatuuri vahemikus suurepärane termiline stabiilsus. See esmaklassiline üldotstarbeline määre sobib paljudele tööstus- ja autorakendustele.
LGMT 2/0.4
SKF bearing grease LGMT 2 in 420 ml cartridge
SKF LGMT 2 is mineral oil based, lithium soap thickened grease with excellent thermal stability within its operating temperature range. This premium quality, general purpose grease is suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. Typical applications:• Agricultural equipment• Automotive wheel bearing• Conveyors• Small electric motors• Industrial fans
Excellent oxidation stability
Good mechanical stability
Excellent water resistance and rust inhibiting properties
Base oil type Mineral
Colour Red Brown
Corrosion protection ISO 11007 Standard (distilled water): 0-0;Water wash out: 0-0;Salt water test (100% salt water): 0-1
DIN 51825 code K2K-30
Lubricant LGMT 2
SKF V2F test ‘M’
Shelf life 5
Thickener Lithium