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LGLT 2/0.4
Madal temperatuur, eriti suurele kiirusele laagrimääre
Täissünteetiline õlipõhine määre, milles kasutatakse liitiumseepi. Selle ainulaadne paksendamistehnoloogia ja madala viskoossusega õli (PAO) tagavad suurepärase määrdevõime väga madalatel temperatuuridel ja väga suurtel kiirustel.

Tootekood: LGLT 2/0.2 Kategooria:


LGLT 2 pdf

LGLT 2/0.2
Low temperature, extremely high speed bearing grease
A fully synthetic oil based grease using a lithium soap. Its unique thickener technology and low viscosity oil (PAO) provide excellent lubrication performances at very low temperatures and extremely high speeds.
Low friction torque
Quiet running
Extremely good oxidation stability and resistance to water
ndm values of 1,6 x 10⁶ can be reached

NLGI class 2
Pack size 200gram tube
Temperature Range -55/110 deg C. -65/230 deg F
Thickener / base oil Lithium soap / di-ester oil
Type Low Temperature
Weight 0.1900 kg

Suitable for High load applications −−
Suitable for Vertical shaft applications Ο
Suitable for applications with Oscilating movements −
Suitable for applications with Severe vibrations −−
Suitable for applications that require Rust protection −
Suitable for applications that require Water resistance +
Suitable for applications that require Frequent start-up Ο
Speed (max.) n x dm (x 1000) 1600
Operating temperature range -50 – 110 °C
Dropping point (min) ISO 2176 180 °C
Penetration DIN ISO 2137, Worked, 60 strokes (10⁻¹mm) 265 – 295
Penetration DIN ISO 2137, Prolonged (max.), 100 000 strokes, 10⁻¹mm +50
Mechanical stability – Roll stability, ASTM D1831 (max.) 50 hrs at 80°C, 10⁻¹mm –
Mechanical stability, V2F test, 144 hrs –
Corrosion protection, Emcor, ISO 11007, Distilled water 0-1
Corrosion protection, Emcor, ISO 11007 modified, Water washout –
Corrosion protection, Emcor, ISO 11007 modified, 0.5% NaCl –
Water resistance (max.) DIN 51807/1, 3 hrs at 90 °C 1
Oil separation DIN 51817, 40°C, % <4
Lubrication ability, R2F test B at 120°C –
Copper corrosion (max.) DIN 51811 /ASTM D4048, 24 hrs at 100°C 1 max.
Rolling bearing grease life (max.) ROF test, L50 life, 10000 r/min, hrs at °C 1000 at 100°C and 20000 r/min
EP performance – 4 ball – Weld load (min.) DIN 51350/4 2000 N
Low temperature torque, Start/Running, mNm 50/20 at -50°C