1238,47  (sis. KM)

2 laos (Laki 26)

Hüdrauliline tõmmitsakomplekt

TMHP 10E on täielik tõmmitsakomplekt laagrite eemaldamiseks. Komplekt sisaldab kolme erinevat käppade komplekti, mida saab kasutada kas 2- või 3-käpaga konfiguratsioonis. Tõmmits kasutab hüdraulilist spindlit, mis võimaldab lihtsat laagrieemaldust kuni 100 kN (11,2 USA tonni) jõuga. 80 mm (3,1 tolli) käik võimaldab eemaldamist ühe töötsükliga.

Ohutus on tagatud tänu isefikseeruvatele käppadele, mis vähendavad libisemisriski, mis lihtsustab spindli joondamist, ja turvaventiilile, mis hoiab ära tõmmitsa ülekoormuse.

Peamised omadused ja eelised:
✅ Mitmekülgne komplekt – sisaldab kolme erineva pikkusega käppasid, mida saab kasutada 2- või 3-käpaga konfiguratsioonis.
✅ Lihtne eemaldamine – hüdrauliline spindel tagab vaevatu ja sujuva laagrieemalduse.
✅ Isefikseeruvad käpad – minimeerivad libisemisohtu koormuse all.
✅ Vedruga spindel – lihtsustab tõmmitsa täpset tsentreerimist.
✅ Komplektis kolm hüdraulilise spindli pikendusosa – võimaldavad kiire kohandamise vastavalt tõmbepikkuse vajadusele.
✅ Hüdrauliline spindel varustatud turvaventiiliga – hoiab ära tõmmitsa ülekoormuse ja kahjustused.

TMHP 10E on ideaalne lahendus kiireks, ohutuks ja efektiivseks laagrite eemaldamiseks!

Tootekood: TMHP 10E Kategooria: Brand:


Andmeleht: TMHP 10E – External pullers _ SKF

Hydraulic jaw puller kit
The TMHP 10E is a complete puller kit for bearing dismounting. The kit includes three different arm sets that can be used in a 2-arm or 3-arm configuration. The puller uses a hydraulic spindle for easy dismounting with dismounting forces up to 100 kN (11.2 US ton). With a stroke of 80 mm (3.1 in.), the spindle facilitates dismounting in one operation. Safety is supported through a self-locking arms that reduce puller slippage under load, a spring-loaded centre point to enable easy spindle centring and a safety valve to prevent puller overload.
Versatile kit with three different arm lengths usable in 2-arm or 3-arm configuration
Effortless dismounting with hydraulic spindle
Self-locking arms minimise risks of slippage under load
Spring-loaded centre point allows easy puller centring
Supplied with three hydraulic spindle extension pieces to allow quick adaptation to required pulling length
Hydraulic spindle is equipped with safety valve to prevent puller overload

Workpiece outer diameter range, using arms Set 1: 75 to 170 mm
Set 2: 80 to 250 mm
Set 3: 110 to 280 mm
Reach, using arms (max) Set 1: 115 mm
Set 2: 160 mm
Set 3: 200 mm
Claw height 8 mm
Claw length 15 mm
Claw width 25 mm
Hydraulic spindle, piston stroke 80 mm
Puller adaptor thread UN 1.5 x 16 tpi
Total spindle length 655 mm (incl. 3 available extension pieces)

Recommended applications For dismounting of bearings, gears, pulleys and other industrial ring shaped components in industrial, construction and agricultural applications with an interference fit on the shaft. Can be used as two armed puller if space around the component is restricted.
Suitable for workpiece dismounting from a Cylindrical seating (straight shaft) Yes
Suitable for bearing dismounting from a Tapered seating (conical shaft) Yes
Suitable for bearing dismounting from a Sleeve (adapter or withdrawal sleeve) Yes
Suitable for workpiece dismounting from a Blind arrangement (housing with shaft) No
Suitable for workpiece dismounting from a Housing No
Suitable for bearing type(s) All
Dismounting force generation Hydraulic spindle (TMHS 100)
Special features Centring and self locking system for firm grip of the component
Useable as 2 or 3 armed puller, Provided with 3 different arm sets, Provided with various spindle extension pieces to quickly adapt the reach
Hydraulic spindle with integrated safety valve for safer use
Pulling force (max) 100 kN
Total number of arms in kit 3 sets of 3
Arms Set 1 (TMHP 10E-10) with arm length 190 mm
Set 2 (TMHP 10E-11) with arm length 240 mm
Set 3 (TMHP 10E-12) with arm length 285 mm
Spindle nose piece yes, ⌀ 30mm
Colour Black
Material Alloy engineering steels, hardened and tempered
Coating Black phosphated, Hydraulic spindle with trivalent chromium parts
Recommended storage temperature 5.0 – 40.0 °C
Relative humidity max 75%
Case dimensions (l x h x w) 580 x 410 x 70 mm
Content 1 x arm-assembly stand
3 x arms, set 1 (TMHP 10E-10)
3 x arms, set 2 (TMHP 10E-11)
3 x arms, set 3 (TMHP 10E-12)
1 x hydraulic spindle TMHS 100 (with handle bar)
3 x extension pieces for hydraulic spindle: 50, 100, 150 mm
1 x nosepiece with centre point for hydraulic spindle
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